teringin sgt nak tgk citer avatar nih.. tp rase cam takut jer.. sebab, makhluk tu kaler
wow biru
nye... sebab me ske jer imagine yg bukan2... heheh... kang mule la susah nak tdo memalam.. ade jer bnda nak imagine... heheh.. ade skali tu tgk citer jennifer's body, tgh malam plak tu... hamik ko.. bile smpi umah nak tdo jer mule la bygkan si jennifer tu ade bwh katil lar.. dlm toilet lar.. huh.... mcm2... tp, klu citer katun.. me ok jer... memang feberet pun.. skang ni dah terbw2 ke naufal.. ske nau tgk katun... kih kih kih...

nak tgk tp
berani2 takut... mcm mane tu...

klu ni memang ske jer tgk... nak takut ape.. katun jer... hikhikhik...
perdana menteri malaysia ke-4 pernah berkata:
"If they can make Avatar, they also can make 9/11 - 11 September 2001.
In my speech at the conference on the support for Palestine (Al Quds) on Jan 20, 2010, I said that if they can make the film Avatar, they can stage the attack and collapse of the World Trade Centre in New York.
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