alhamdulillah... sy dpt award ni dr mama alisha, cik puan zuhaini.. mekaceh yer.. rase syok sgt dpt award nih.. sebabnye, this is a "LOVEABLE BLOG" award.. wah.. bangga sungguh diriku ini.. tp, x riak tau...

You are awarded the LOVABLE BLOG AWARD!! What you have to do is... :
~ Put the logo on your blog.
~ Add a link to the person who awarded you (that would be me !!!)
~ Nominate at least 10 other blogs
~ Add links to those blogs on yours.
~ Leave a message for your nominees on their chat box
so, saya nak hadiahkan award ni kepada sumer kwn2 blog sy dan kpd sumer pembaca blog sy nih...
sila-silalah yer tempek di blog kwn2 sumer..
~ Add a link to the person who awarded you (that would be me !!!)
~ Nominate at least 10 other blogs
~ Add links to those blogs on yours.
~ Leave a message for your nominees on their chat box
so, saya nak hadiahkan award ni kepada sumer kwn2 blog sy dan kpd sumer pembaca blog sy nih...
sila-silalah yer tempek di blog kwn2 sumer..
huhu aku ngan bangganya menerima award ini.. yiehaaaaaaa tenkiu...
hahaha... terima lar.. aku ske klu kwn2 aku bangga dpt awrd2 nih... salamadpo na...
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