kali ni nak citer pasal Award plak... biasernye, kite tgk blog org dpt award itu.. award ini.. last2, kite pun dpt award gak... wah, rase bangga jap bile dpt award nih..
heheheh... buat blog cecantik jer dah blh dpt award.. sie sie nie...
my first award from kak yol... "i'm a dailly blogger".. daily sgt lar... ape2 pun.. mekaceh yer kak yol...

second award, "brillante weblog : premio-2008" plak my fren ariba & kak yol yg kasik.. thanks ari & kak yol ... x sangka blog nih brilliant ekk...

Brilliant Weblog is a prize given to sites and blogs that are smart and brilliant both in their content and their design. The purpose of the prize is to promote as many blogs as possible in the blogsphere.
Here are the rules to follow:
- Put the logo on your blog.
- Add a link to the person who awarded you.
- Nominate at least 7 other blogs
- Add links to those blogs on yours.
- Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs

third award... heheh.. pun kak yol gak yang kasik... alhamdulillah.. thanks kak yol...
"kreativ blogger"... kreatif ke aku nih.. hahahah.. lg menjahanamkan ade lar..
It has been done according to the following rules:
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees
alahai.. nak buat ucapan la pulak ke... ok lar.. korg layan jer la ekk ape yg kite merapu nih..
salam sumer,
saya mengucapkan berbanyak terima kasih yg x terhingga kpd mereka2 yg menyaport *support la tu..hikhikhik* utk berblogging.. pd anak ku yg terchenta... suami tersayang.. keluarga dan teman2 blog yg saya kasihi.. *aduh... terlebih sudah nih*.. terima kasih sekali lagi.. doakan sy sihat n murah rezeki supaya ade idea utk terus berblog... nieza sayang kamu.. *chewahhh.. kate ucapan berangan.. haruslah guna kesempatan yg ado...*
so, sy suke jer nak pass award nih kat:
cik non
sesiapa kwn2 blog yg x der award kat atas tu pun, blh amik gak.. sila2 lar kita berkongsi award gitu.. tahniah yer...
cik pn maria tak kreatip! cuma berusaha menjadi krerek aje..joking
hehe..tenkiu..ko x pasan ke last week aku dah kasi ko award ni.. cepat tgk blog aku.. pastu ko kena tagged !!! sila buat jgn malashh..hahahaha...
pssstt cik puan maria pun..buat tagged ni gak..hihihi
aku kasi award yg last tu jek pasal ko kretip ..(ayat x leh blah !! :P) ...buat tagged tu tau ...ko kan rajin ..ahaks..
mama Naufal.. saya pun ada award lagi nak bagi.. sori lewat.. :(
hahahhaha...award lagi..dakper..kekgi2 erni tempek la dlm blog erni..skrg ku tgh x sehat..x der mood nak berblog lagi..wahahaha
tahniah tahniah..teruskan berblogging..
suka...suka dpt award...heheh...
rs diappreciate gitu...tenkiu...tenkiu...
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